Monday 27 April 2009

23rd May: put it in your diary!

The Walk in Wardrobe is back, with a fantastic new swish planned for Saturday 23rd May!
The event will take place at Restaurant Fonte de Pedra in Alcalar, just north of the Meridien Penina Hotel, between Portimao and Mexihoeira Grande.
Entry to the swish costs just 2 euros per person, with proceeds going to the new cancer charity, Madrugada (more details below).
The swish commences at 3pm on the Saturday afternoon, where there will be plenty of fabulous clothes to choose from, plus an exciting raffle full of wonderful prizes.
Bring as many items as you like, but please ensure that they are all freshly laundered and ironed and are in excellent condition. This is a perfect opportunity to find new homes for those clothes you no longer wear (or no longer fit you!) and for you to find a few little gems of your own.
If you were unable to attend our last swish in February, or just don't know what a swish is...
The "Walk In Wardrobe" is a girlie "Swishing" event which will support local charity, so you get to look good and do good too!!
Swishing is the latest fashion craze fresh from New York, Sydney and London. Inspriration for this event was taken from the recent BBC series "Twiggy's Frock Exchange" and simply involves getting fashion conscious women together to swap gorgeous clothes and party at the same time. Attendees must bring with them at least 2 items of clothing they would be proud of and want to see go to a good home, in order for you to grab something else and give it a new lease of life.......only then can we expect to see a high standard amongst the swishers!

Fonte de Pedra (one of our favourite restaurants !) will be open for lunch and dinner, so why not make an afternoon of it and book a table?! There is also a bar, so your husbands can sit and enjoy a few beers while you swish away! Contact / book Fonte de Pedra on 282471034. A map will be uploaded soon.

For further information on the swish, please contact Karen Lennon on 916277733 or Suzy Turner on 919556630.

It has been recognised that there is a desperate shortfall in the care and information available for those living in the Algarve and suffering from cancer and other serious illness. While local hospital facilities adequately cover the essential treatment of patients while in hospital, there remains little or no care and support available for those affected once they return to their home and family. The lack of organised specialist care in the community, including hospice care, MacMillan nursing, centralised information and resources and complementary therapies to support the recovery of affected residents continues to cause great distress and concern. All the skills are available if you know where and how to find them.
The charity Madrugada (meaning 'Dawn') has been established to support a new initiative which, in the first instance, create a resource centre in Praia da Luz offering free advice on how best support the treatment of serious illness, ensuring that those affected have the very best chance of achieving recovery while reducing the side effects caused my many allopathic protocols.
Their eventual aim is to build a support centre which offers residential and day care, training, complementary therapies and care in the community. Their approach will be totally holistic and all services will be delivered under the guidance of a highly qualified team.
Right now, Madrugada needs volunteers for good organisational skills. They need people skilled in accountancy, legal procedures, planning applications, IT and Web design, administration and fund raising, commitee members, people with influental contacts, people with drive, determination, compassion and spare time, as well as donations of equipment and funds.
If you can help in any way at all, please contact Alison on 964951570 or Val on 917759617.